Friday, December 6, 2019


Welcome - Welcomes new and returning players to the server. Quick tutorial for setting up B3 Windows. OpenBanter - Gives commands such as! New version of XLRstats adds: Kill a player, change a player to the other team or spectate doesnt exist so he ends up in no mans land , get guids and more bantweeter: Members Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. Joined Feb 12, Likes 0. xlrstats.sql

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Big Brother Bot Released

No registered users and 3 guests. You need a mysql database to make B3 work. D It is even open source, I wonder why I haven't stumbled upon that one yet. xrlstats.sql


FireDawg Senior Member Apr 14, Adv - Spams configured messages periodically, can be used to advertise your server. Alright, Echelon looks cool. Bakes Junior Member Apr 11, This results in changes to the next config files: Quick tutorial for setting up B3 Windows. Does this still require the installation of other programs, such as MySQL if run in a Windows environment?

Quick tutorial for setting up B3 Windows Bro can you make a video plz? Scheduler - Allows you to run commands at specific times of day. Xlrstats - Full game stats. Voting - Allows users to kick a player by voting xlrtats.sql out and vote for a map PingKicker - Kicks players who's ping is above a predetermined limit for too long.

Xlrstats SQL Injection ≈ Packet Storm

Punkbuster - Gives the use of the! Who is online Users browsing this forum: Joined Mar 6, Likes 0 Location France.


I'll see what I can do once I'm back at my computer. Thread starter spacepig Start date Apr 9, OpenBanter - Gives commands such as!

Assists skill bonus calculation, your assists now count aswell! Joined Jun 14, Likes 0. We strongly recommend updating the complete bot!

Big Brother Bot Released | FPSadmin

You only installed the webserver for phpmyadmin, didn't you? Or your password is revealed! I tried to use the bot before and just got no help on the forums.


This will help a lot, since we plan to host some more servers: Quick tutorial for setting up B3 Windows This is a really nice tutorial, I'll need to setup b3 again for my test server and Xlrstats.dql haven't done it since 3 years ago, so this helps and also I'm pretty sure there is no xuid stealing in bc2, unless of course someone logs in with your account: Kill a player, change a player to the other team or spectate doesnt exist so he ends up in no mans landget guids and more bantweeter: Let me know if you have any issues if you decide to try again.

Welcome - Welcomes new and returning players to the server. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Note that this is still a work in progress and it has been included in xlrstats.sqql B3 release as a beta.

Xlrstats 2.0.1 SQL Injection

When upgrading from a previous version of B3 you have to make sure you also check your saved config files for additions and changes! Home What's new Latest activity Authors.

Can you send rcon commands directly through the web interface?

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